March 24 & 25, 2025
Venue: Faith Presbyterian, Tallahassee, Florida
MPA stands for Music Performance Assessments. These events provide valuable feedback on a range of musical formats. Each FVA district hosts two MPA events annually: Solo & Ensemble MPA in November and Choral MPA in early March.
State MPA – Middle Schools do not participate at this level.
High school entries that receive a superior rating at districts are qualified to apply for State MPA. At this event, students are evaluated by a highly select panel of adjudicators at a state-level adjudication.
Surfside Middle School Choir is planning a field trip for adjudication in the afternoon of March 2025. The trip will take place during the school day. Students must complete the required paperwork, maintain a grade of C or higher in every academic course, and submit a signed parent permission form to attend.